Our contacts

You can contact us using the contacts listed on the Topcash24.me website. Online chat, Telegram, feedback form.

Schedule of operators: Mon - Fri from 9:00 to 22:00 (GMT + 3)

Sat - Sun and holidays - free schedule.

Exchange request ban

Exchange may be ban if you have exhausted the limit on the number of exchange request per day, or the limit on replenishment of one invoice is exceeded.

Do I need to register?

Registration on the site is not a prerequisite for the exchange. However, if you want to use the accumulative loyalty program or earn money on an affiliate program, you need to register.

Do I need to verification?

In most cases, verification is optional. However, in the case of transactions with bankcards for large amounts, verification may be required. What exactly is needed, you will see on the site.

I get an error when trying to confirm email during registration.

If you have difficulty with email confirmation, during registration, use the recovery procedure on the page https://topcash24.me/lostpass/

Loyalty program.

The Topcash24.me service provides a cumulative loyalty program for registered users. The maximum discount is 1%. In order for your exchanges to be taken into account in the loyalty program, you need to log in to the site before creating an exchange request.

Affiliate program.

The affiliate program of Topcash24.me service involves receiving up to 20% of our income. Attract customers and earn income from each client.

How to make an exchange?

All directions available for exchange are presented on the main page of the Topcash24.me website. You need to choose the direction of the exchange and indicate the amount. Click the "Exchange" button. On the next page, enter the details and email, which will receive reports on your application. Follow the prompts to complete the exchange.

I did not find the direction of the exchange.

All current exchange directions are indicated on the Topcash24.me website. If the necessary direction is not available on the site, then, on our service, there is no way to make such an exchange.

I made a mistake in the invoice for payment on request.

You must contact the support service at [email protected] and provide the correct invoice for payment. Such an adjustment is possible only for those exchange requests that cannot be completed due to an incorrectly specified invoice.

I sent the cryptocurrency for exchange, but the application was not completed.

The exchange requests is considered paid and is executed after receiving two confirmations. You can see the presence and number of confirmations on one of the cryptocurrency browsers.

BTC,BCH: https://www.blockchain.com/ru/                                                                                               

LTC: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltc/                                                                                                          

ETC: https://blockscout.com/etc/mainnet

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