Exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to PayPal USD

Exchange details
Bitcoin (BTC)
1 BTC = 19236.77565802 USD
Commission BTC:
Commission USD:
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Attention! The exchange rate is fixed at the time of payment confirmation, i.e. after receiving the 2nd confirmation. The adjustment is carried out relative to the Binance rates.

You can create and pay for an exchange order at any time, but PayPal payouts are made manually from 12:00 to 18:00 GMT + 2 on weekdays. On Saturday and Sunday PayPal is not payout.

Time limit for processing an order up to 60 minutes. With a large exchange amount, payout in several payments is possible.

If you do not have enough reserve or you have a lot of transactions, we offer payouts on registries on individual terms. Write to mail or Telegram (contacts below).

Please be careful when transferring! Send only Bitcoin (BTC).

Sending coin or token other than Bitcoin (BTC) will lead to a loss of your payment!

An order is deemed paid after 2 confirmations of your transaction appear.

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